EMNLP 2019 @ Hong Kong...

Written on November 4, 2019

As an NLP researcher and enthusiast, ACL conferences like ACL Annual Meeting, EMNLP, CoNLL, COLING, etc. have always been appealing to me. Our team got a significant achievement by publishing in the CoNLL conference, which was co-located with the EMNLP-IJCNLP 2019 conference, Hong Kong, China. I am thrilled indeed to publish in this CORE A ranked conference and thank my co-authors Tushaar Gangavarapu and my beloved guide, Dr. Sowmya Kamath S for helping me achieve this milestone. The paper titled "Coherence-Based Modeling of Clinical Concepts Inferred from Heterogeneous Clinical Notes for ICU Patient Risk Stratification." is published as part of CoNLL proceedings and available online in ACL Anthology.