EMNLP 2019 @ Hong Kong...
As an NLP researcher and enthusiast, ACL conferences like ACL Annual Meeting, EMNLP, CoNLL, COLING, etc. have always been appealing to me. Our team got a significant achievement by publishing in the CoNLL conference, which was co-located with the EMNLP-IJCNLP 2019 conference, Hong Kong, China. I am thrilled indeed to publish in this CORE A ranked conference and thank my co-authors Tushaar Gangavarapu and my beloved guide, Dr. Sowmya Kamath S for helping me achieve this milestone. The paper titled "Coherence-Based Modeling of Clinical Concepts Inferred from Heterogeneous Clinical Notes for ICU Patient Risk Stratification." is published as part of CoNLL proceedings and available online in ACL Anthology.